Lana Four

"Lana Four" v1.0.0 Documentation by "Lana Codes"


"Lana Four" is a modern Bootstrap framework based HTML theme. It's a 12 grid responsive theme, optimized for tablets and phones. This is the right theme for a blog or a simple website.

The theme includes the following:

  • Dropdown Bootstrap Navigation Menu - Smartmenus
  • Custom Bootstrap - SCSS
  • Custom Theme - SCSS

It has been tested on the following browsers:

  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Internet Explorer

You must enable JavaScript in your browser to use this theme.


If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us at:

Created: 03/01/2018
By: Lana Codes
E-mail: [email protected]

Installation (Optional)

Gulp installation is optional. You need it if you want to change the code with SCSS.

1. Install Node.js

Download Node.js installer from

Install it on your system.

2. Install Git

Download Git installer from

Install it on your system.

3. Install Gulp

Gulp is a command line tool, so you should be familiar working in terminal.

Go to the project folder.

Install it as the NPM global module:
npm install --global gulp

4. Install NPM modules

Go to the project folder.

Install NPM dependency modules:
npm install

5. Install Bower components

Go to the project folder.

Install Bower components:
bower install

6. Run Gulp task

Go to the project folder.

Run Gulp tasks in the command line.


The "Lana Four" theme includes the following page templates:

  • Front Page
  • Default Page
  • Contact Page

Other templates:

  • 404 Error Page

Front Page (Landing)

The Front Page template is a full-width page.

The landing page contains several sections.

The main sidebar won't appear.

Default Page

The Default Page template is a full-width page.

The main sidebar won't appear.

Contact Page

The Contact Page template includes a contact form.

The content appears in full width.

The main sidebar won't appear.

404 Error Page

Used when the page is not found.

The 404 Error Page template includes a search form.

The content appears in full width.

The main sidebar won't appear.



The Post Archive is a full-width page.

The main sidebar appears on the right.


The Featured Image is on the top of the post, in fixed size.

The metadata is on the bottom of the title.

The tags is on the bottom of the content.

Comments at the bottom of the post.

Comment Reply at the bottom of the Comments.

The main sidebar won't appear.

The "Lana Four" theme supports the following formats.

  • Standard

The appearance of the posts changes by the formats.


Default post appearance.

The Featured Image is on the top of the post, in fixed size.


The "Lana Four" theme includes Project custom post type.


The Project Archive is a full-width page.

The main sidebar won't appear.


The Featured Image is on the top of the post, in fixed size.

The Secondary Featured Image in the middle of the content.

Gallery at the bottom of the content.

The main sidebar won't appear.



The Default Attachment template is a full-width page.


Lana Comment

The Comment optimized for Bootstrap.

Comment template

The comments looks like this.
The replies to the comments appears a little indented from the left.

Comment reply

The comment reply looks like this.
